Measure the process of idiom acquisition as well as the impact of using an interactive platform
on the learning curve.
Who can participate?
University students of all ages (preferably from the UAM Faculty of Modern Languages or Faculty
of English).
How can you enroll?
Sign up on the Treedioms website, we will walk you through the whole procedure, it only takes a
couple of minutes, we value your time.
How and when does the study take place?
The scholarly research is stretched out over 5 weeks, with 3 sets of exercises per week released
on the Treedioms website in the section “My Account”. The exercises can be done at all times
during the week, we aim for time efficiency and flexibility to simplify this process. One set of
exercises is going to take around 10 minutes to complete. In total the whole idiom course should
take around 2 hours, more if the participant is willing to put in more time and effort.
What rewards can you get?
For the most active participants await such awards as Empik, Eventim and Allegro gift cards for
200 zł each!
Who is conducting the study?
This research has come to fruition thanks to the collaboration between the Treedioms project and the
Scientific Club “Koło Naukowe Młodych Frazeologów UAM”. The linguistic study is funded by the ID-UB
institution of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.